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Responsive image Chelsey in Flight Deck

For the past decade, I have been a flight attendant. It has been a unique and rewarding experience as I have been able to travel all over the world, live in several different cities and states, and interact with people from all walks of life. After the Coronavirus pandemic left me grounded for most of 2020, I found myself with an amazing opportunity to pursue a career in web development, an interest I have had for the past several years.

During my down time, I enrolled in Eleven Fifty's web development program. I found the six months I spent in the program quite fulfilling and exciting. The course took me on a journey from basic HTML/CSS to building full stack PERN applications (check them out in my project section below!). I fell in love with programming, and after I graduated, I jumped at the chance to become a learning assistant with Eleven Fifty so I could give back to the program that brought me so much joy.

I cannot wait to see what this next adventure brings! Find out more on LinkedIn.


Download my resume, and be sure to check out my portfolio below.


Portfolio of Projects

Snowman created with HTML and CSS only

CSS Creature

A Codepen snowman I created using only HTML and CSS.

Static Layout Project

Static Website

A recreation of a static website using only HTML and CSS. Kast App was my reference.

Link to github API Project

Lorem Picsum API Project

An app utilizing vanilla Javascript to fetch random photos from Lorem Picsum. The returned information was then used to manipulate the DOM.

Kitty face

Cats API Project

An DOM manipulation app using vanilla Javascript to fetch random photos from The Cat API and display them.

Screenshot of The Bar Cart App

The Bar Cart

Built using the PERN stack and styled with Tailwind and Ant Design, this application implements full CRUD functionality. It calls on an external API and allows users to search for their favorite cocktails and add them to their library.

Screenshot of the Takeoff app


This full CRUD app was built using Typescript with legacy React and is a PERN stack application also utilizing Role Based Access Control and database associations. Takeoff allows users to keep track of their travels and blog about their experiences.

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